It is important for you to maintain valid visa status while in the United States and at MIT. Please contact the International Scholars Office (ISchO) if you have any questions or concerns. We can guide you and help ensure your compliance with regulations. Please do your part to make sure the ISchO always has the most accurate, up-to-date information about you, and inform the ISchO of the following in advance:
- Plans to travel outside the United States. Always check with the ISchO several weeks before traveling to make sure you have all necessary documents and signatures. Also consult the latest ISchO Travel Advisory
- Change of U.S. residential address
- Change of MIT department, lab, or center
- Change in funding (source and/or amount)
- Change of appointment percentage or title
- Change in work location or additional work location
- Leave of absence
- Leaving the U.S. for an extended period of time
- Early departure from MIT/Termination of MIT appointment
Always pursue your teaching and/or research activities. Do not engage in activities not authorized under your nonimmigrant visa program. If you are not sure if an activity would be permitted, check with the ISchO in advance.