What appears in this section is an expansion of the MIT Policies and Procedures Manual, Section 7.11 "Employment or Appointment of Foreign Nationals."’
Purpose of This Policy
In accordance with federal law, foreign nationals (non-United States citizens and non-permanent residents) employed or appointed by MIT must have proper immigration status and work authorization, granted by U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Foreign nationals must maintain a valid immigration status throughout their employment or appointment at MIT. Failure to maintain status will lead to termination of the MIT employment or appointment.
"Volunteering" for academic and research staff positions is not permitted at the Institute. Individuals in positions that would normally be compensated must be compensated.
DISCLAIMER: U.S. immigration laws are very complex. The information contained on these pages is designed specifically for scholars at MIT; other individuals should seek assistance from immigration specialists. Immigration laws are constantly changing, and even though we will attempt to keep these files up-to-date, we cannot guarantee their completeness or accuracy. The information contained herein is not intended to create an attorney/client relationship, nor can it be construed as legal advice. Please speak with an advisor in the International Scholars Office before making applications or seeking benefits. In addition to federal regulations, MIT policy governs eligibility for certain visas/benefits.
Page updated August 2023