This information is provided for administrators at MIT. Please read items 1-3 below.
We also suggest that you consult MIT Policies and Procedures, Section 7.11, "Employment or Appointment of Foreign Nationals" and MIT Visa Sponsorship Policies for further information.
DISCLAIMER: U.S. immigration laws are very complex. The information contained in these files is designed specifically for scholars at MIT; other individuals should seek assistance from immigration specialists. Immigration laws are constantly changing, and even though we will attempt to keep these topics up-to-date, we cannot guarantee their completeness or accuracy. The information contained herein is not intended to create an attorney/client relationship, nor can it be construed as legal advice. Please speak with an advisor in the International Scholars Office before making applications or seeking benefits. In addition to federal regulations, MIT policy governs eligibility for certain visas/benefits.
1. Each MIT Department/Laboratory/Center has a primary liaison, typically the Personnel Administrator or Administrative Officer, through whom all requests to appoint a foreign national must be channeled. This department contact is familiar with the MIT personnel appointment system, ISchO procedures and non-immigrant visa types and can be very helpful to faculty. This person will act as the liaison between the ISchO and the faculty member inviting a foreign national to teach or conduct research at the Institute. The department contact will assist in determining the most appropriate visa for the visitor and preparing related documentation.
2. Please Note: MIT does not provide visa sponsorship for technical, administrative, or library positions. Additionally, MIT does not provide visa sponsorship to recent graduates and practicing professionals for internship training, practical experiences, or other non-teaching, non-research affiliations. See MIT Visa Sponsorship Policies
MIT must comply with federal regulations regarding the employment of foreign nationals (non-United States citizens and non-permanent residents). The International Scholars Office (ISchO) handles applications and information regarding visas for foreign academic and sponsored research staff and is MIT's liaison with immigration authorities. This office is the only petitioner to USCIS for H-1B visas in specialty occupations, O-1 petitions, and/or permanent residency based on MIT employment. Information on immigration regulations and procedures as well as applications and forms can be obtained from the ISchO. The arrival and departure of scholars should be reported to this office so that accurate records can be maintained. The International Students Office offers similar services for international students.
3. DLC Sponsored MIT ID Card: The issuance of a DLC Sponsored MIT ID Card should not be used in place of an academic appointment or to circumvent established processes for Visiting Students and Visiting Scholars. The DLC Sponsored MIT ID Card is meant to be used by contractors, vendors, MIT Temp employees, etc. Because the DLC Sponsored MIT ID provides access to buildings, laboratories, etc. careful consideration of its intended use by the Administrative Officer or department designate is required before submitting the application form.
Last Updated: March 2023